Sunday, February 13, 2011

valentines day lovin'

 it 2 am...its valentines day...
im at my cousins house.and no-one has called me to say happy valentines day.
the guy i like wont call me back, another is mad at me and one doesnt talk to me hardly. screwed. i know this is bull that im complaining about me being 'dateless and single' but you know i have NEVER had a date on valentines day. so why not spend a day shopping instead? i think i might go to victoria's secret this afternoon. just to be happy or buy myself a new skirt :D  well really my eyes are 'drooping' i dont even think thats possible...

that reminds me of a song .....
do your ears hang low do they waddle too and fro....
 i would never sing that in public (says the girl that skips while singing elmo)
my little cousin is asleep not even under the covers and im the only person awake in the house...
PERSON not including bebe the dog.


im beat...
i hate hyperboles.
they make my brain hurt.

leave questions in the comments below... i will be happy to answer them...

i must leave i have to go potty...

WOW i feel immature for saying potty...well a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. but ya know some people (my self) just dont want to grow up yet. at 5' 8'' you got too. i want you to leave comments about writing poems i will write you a poem if u put a subject in the comments below...


adios amigos!